Production of information films and audio visual experiences shown at exhibitions, events, buildings, the web and in showrooms.


Different display solutions, productions for many synchronised screens, 3D/projection mapping. Production with combinations of screens, displays and LED.


We handle project management, filming, 3D-animation, edition and sound.

Company and Product presentations

Films for events

Films for the webb

Films for museums


Facade shows  3D-mapping

Facade show on Gothenburg artmuseum


We build 3D-models of the buildings that is the base in the production.  The images can be mapped on the walls outside and there can  be openings and the show can continue inside the building.

Facade projections

Eyebrite have up till now produced 21 facade projections on buildings in a number of cities. We have created the projections for amazing shows. The building changes shape surprisingly as artists and fairytale figures appears.



3D-Mapping / Projection mapping projections on 3D-printed and specially shaped objects.

Eyebrite creates the content and with partners we also produce the objects. 3D-Mapping can of course also be done on existing objects.

Mapping at the Museum

of Science and Technology,


Films for


Stationary films and audio visual shows for groups of visitors where information became experiences. In a short space of time, visitors can get information about a company or a place.

In showrooms with limited ceiling height it is possible to enlarge the size of the display horizontally. Good sound quality makes the images look even better.


At the touch of a button you can choose which language version to show. Use the same equipment for different shows and speaker support.

Show at Kosterhavets visit centre

We work with a combination of 2D- och 3D-software.


Jan Brånå

producer/editing/design+46 (0)705 13 14 08




Daniel Swahn Lindberg








Eyebrite AB

Miraallèn 33

417 58 Göteborg

Tel +46 (0) 705 13 14 08

Orgnr 556347-8154

© eyebrite 2020